Home was edited by George Guimarães
Thursday Jun 10
page -
Home was edited by George Guimarães 03:29 PM page
its all about heads, or headers http:... was committed by guilherme silveira 03:20 PM changeset
Merge branch 'XX-support-client-cache... was committed by guilherme silveira 03:20 PM changeset
cache is about cahed, not non cached ... was committed by guilherme silveira 03:20 PM changeset
caching depends on response. it doesn... was committed by guilherme silveira 03:20 PM changeset
Restfulie guide dynamic client was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:11 PM ticket
Bring full examples inside the build ... was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:11 PM ticket
Break responder into multiple responder was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:10 PM ticket
Fix issue with non existing tokamak v... was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:07 PM ticket
Home was created by George Guimarães 01:07 PM page
Support max-age and no-storewas updated by Guilherme Silveira 12:55 PM ticket -
support client cache with active support providerswas updated by Guilherme Silveira 12:55 PM ticket -
Support max-age and no-store was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:55 PM ticket
support client cache with active supp... was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:54 PM ticket
remove that nasty array was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:52 PM ticket
Support follow 201 responsewas updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) 11:26 AM ticket -
support json get and postwas updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) 11:05 AM ticket -
allow entry point resource retrievalwas updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) 10:50 AM ticket -
allow entry point resource retrievalwas updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) 10:50 AM ticket -
allow entry point resource retrieval was updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador)
Wednesday Jun 09
ticket -
support json get and post was updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) 03:06 PM ticket
Support link header on the server sidewas updated by Cauê Guerra 12:10 PM ticket -
automatize the build process was created by Guilherme Silveira 10:13 AM ticket
Try to use Rails own XML serializer f... was created by Fabio Akita
Tuesday Jun 08
ticket -
should support caching not only get resultswas updated by Guilherme SilveiraMonday Jun 07
ticket -
should support caching not only get r... was created by Guilherme Silveira 01:15 PM ticket
links converter - collection.link was created by Cauê Guerra 01:04 PM ticket
Support follow 201 response was updated by Guilherme Silveira 10:52 AM ticket
Support follow 201 responsewas updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador)Sunday Jun 06
ticket -
acceptance testing for first release was created by Mauricio Aniche
Friday Jun 04
ticket -
inject own serializer was created by Mauricio Aniche 06:48 PM ticket
Bulk Edit command
3 tickets affected:#7 #9 #10
. 06:46 PM bulk edit -
Bulk Edit command
7 tickets affected:#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
. 06:14 PM bulk edit -
upcoming release was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:13 PM milestone
allow entry point resource retrievalwas updated by Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) 06:12 PM ticket -
Media type support through a registry was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:08 PM ticket
Support other verbs was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:07 PM ticket
Support xml posting was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:04 PM ticket
Support xml element retrieve was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:03 PM ticket
Support follow 201 response was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:02 PM ticket
support json get and postwas created by Guilherme Silveira 06:02 PM ticket -
allow entry point resource retrieval was created by Guilherme Silveira 06:01 PM ticket
Carlos Alberto (euprogramador) was invited to the restfulie-javascript Project. 03:22 PM member
Home was created by Guilherme Silveira 02:55 PM page
Refactor some testswas updated by Guilherme Silveira 02:02 PM ticket -
tomasdestefi (at gmail) was invited to the restfulie-ruby Project. 01:57 PM member
Refactor some testswas updated by Guilherme Silveira 08:57 AM ticket -
Improve Mikyung's Scenario engine was updated by Guilherme Silveira
Thursday Jun 03
ticket -
Refactor some tests was created by Guilherme Silveira 11:24 PM ticket
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