Suportar redirect de 201was updated by Alexandre AtojiTuesday Dec 21
ticket -
Refatoração em interceptor stackwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 12:25 PM ticket -
Suportar unmarshallingwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 12:24 PM ticket -
Suportar unmarshalling de jsonwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 12:24 PM ticket -
Suportar unmarshalling de xmlwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 12:24 PM ticket -
Suportar unmarshalling de xmlwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 12:23 PM ticket -
Suportar marshalling de jsonwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 11:14 AM ticket -
Suportar marshalling de jsonwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 11:13 AM ticket -
Suportar marshalling de xmlwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 11:13 AM ticket -
Follow 201 created responsewas updated by Rebeca MottaThursday Dec 16
ticket -
Follow 201 created response was updated by Rodrigo Manhães
Monday Dec 13
ticket -
Support post marshalling with jsonwas updated by Rodrigo ManhãesTuesday Dec 07
ticket -
Support post marshalling with xmlwas updated by Rodrigo Manhães 10:39 PM ticket -
Suportar unmarshalling was updated by Guilherme Silveira
Tuesday Nov 16
ticket -
Suportar envio de um objetowas updated by Alexandre AtojiMonday Nov 15
ticket -
Suportar cadastro de novos serializadoreswas updated by Alexandre Atoji 05:14 PM ticket -
Suportar delete, head, trace, optionswas updated by Alexandre Atoji 05:13 PM ticket -
Replicar suporte de post a patch e putwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 05:12 PM ticket -
Support basic postwas updated by Alexandre Atoji 05:12 PM ticket -
Support basic getwas updated by Alexandre AtojiFriday Nov 12
ticket -
Merge branch 'immutable-parser' https... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano
Monday Nov 08
changeset -
env duplicated, trying to avoid mutab... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
using specific gems https://github.co... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
accepting args for feature injection ... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
created test https://github.com/caelu... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
form tests corrected https://github.c... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano & gabriel oliveira 04:19 PM changeset
forcing an specific payload https://g... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
converter method that searches for a ... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
using an immutable parser https://git... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
Merge branch 'retry-interceptor' http... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
supporting retry when 503 is received... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
supporting conneg when first attempt ... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
Merge branch 'conneg_when_unaccepted'... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 04:19 PM changeset
fixed restriction test https://github... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano & gabriel oliveira 04:19 PM changeset
fixing responder tests https://github... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano & gabriel oliveira 04:19 PM changeset
contributors https://github.com/caelu... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano & gabriel oliveira 04:19 PM changeset
fixing path names https://github.com/... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano & gabriel oliveira 04:19 PM changeset
feature stack is immutable in order t...was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:45 PM ticket -
feature that automatically retries if...was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:45 PM ticket -
feature that automatically retries wi...was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:45 PM ticket -
supports feature configuration inject...was created by Guilherme Silveira 12:44 PM ticket -
1.0.0 was updated by Guilherme Silveira
Wednesday Nov 03
milestone -
1.0.0.beta1 was updated by Guilherme Silveira 10:53 PM milestone
Bulk Edit command
11 tickets affected:#123 #124 #125 #126 #130 #132 #133 #138 #140 #148 #149
. 10:52 PM bulk edit -
1.0.0 was created by Guilherme Silveira 10:52 PM milestone
more logging http://github.com/caelum... was committed by guilherme silveira & cecilia fernandes
Sunday Oct 31
changeset -
preloading scenarios http://github.co... was committed by guilherme silveira & cecilia fernandes 04:42 PM changeset
save prior to create a resource http:... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano
Saturday Oct 30
changeset -
fixing status query http://github.com... was committed by guilherme silveira & pedro mariano 10:39 AM changeset
Merge branch 'form_encoded' http://gi... was committed by guilherme silveira 10:39 AM changeset
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