Guilherme Silveira
Allow registering default acceptable ... was created by Guilherme Silveira
Saturday Apr 03
ticket -
Should allow accepts with more than o... was created by Guilherme Silveira 08:47 PM ticket
Client should understand 201 with no ... was created by Guilherme Silveira 08:42 PM ticket
Should allow server side 201 with one... was created by Guilherme Silveira 08:41 PM ticket
restfulie client currently assumes th... was created by Guilherme Silveira 08:22 PM ticket
client should parse atom entry was created by Guilherme Silveira 08:19 PM ticket
support atom marshalling when sending representations was updated by Guilherme Silveira 07:44 PM ticket
support atom marshalling when sending... was created by Guilherme Silveira 07:44 PM ticket
support default client media type neg... was created by Guilherme Silveira 07:36 PM ticket