Guilherme Silveira
Merge pull request #80 from samuelpor... was committed by guilhermesilveira
Wednesday Oct 12
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Merge pull request #78 from jeroenvan... was committed by guilhermesilveira
Monday Aug 01
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Do not use add_runtime_dependency, bu... was committed by Jeroen van Dijk 12:42 PM changeset
removing initial batch of client code... was committed by Douglas Campos
Monday Jul 25
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Enable ssl for a uri with the 'https'... was committed by Roberto Faria
Wednesday Jun 22
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Removed sqlite dependency for jruby p... was committed by Roberto Faria 02:03 PM changeset
Removed sqlite dependency for jruby p... was committed by Roberto Faria 02:03 PM changeset
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:c... was committed by Guilherme Silveira & Alexandre Atoji
Thursday May 19
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removing old odcs https://github.com/... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 12:15 PM changeset
removing tokamak for hypertemplate ht... was committed by Guilherme Silveira & Alexandre Atoji 12:15 PM changeset