Guilherme Silveira
using an exception when required http... was committed by Guilherme Silveira
Monday Feb 07
changeset -
fixing throw error tests https://gith... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 03:55 PM changeset
Redirecting is not working with error was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:54 PM ticket
using json instead of atom https://gi... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 03:15 PM changeset
removing commented code https://githu... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 03:15 PM changeset
using songs instead of clients https:... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 03:15 PM changeset
using last updated to fix failing cac... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 03:15 PM changeset
some integration tests are using atom...was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:08 PM ticket -
Integration tests in spec helper is n...was created by Guilherme Silveira 03:02 PM ticket -
correctly verifying the response stat... was committed by Guilherme Silveira 03:02 PM changeset